
the softness of breeze blowing
sings me the simphony of life,
the angel spreads her wings
care for my broken heart,
the golden ray of sunshine embracing
my soul with its warmth,
Wake up, wake up
Oh sweet girl of earth,
open your eyes for beautiful day
is opening before you..
Last nite,
Can you hear how beautiful the nightingale singing??
Do you remember how smooth the wind moving??
Have you gaze how bright the silver moonlite shinning??
Your gentle heart was touch
by despair love,
but your soul stands ajar,
Make it a rule of life:
never to regret
and never to look back...
May you always have love in your heart,
For Love never dies a natural death.
It dies because we don't grow.
It dies of blindness
and errors
and betrayals.
It dies of illness
and wounds;
it dies of weariness,
of withering,
of tarnishing..

"We know sweetness
because we taste bitterness.
We enjoy warmth
because we have been cold.
We appreciate light
because we have been in darkness.
By the same token,
we feel joy
because we have known sadness.
We find the truth
because we make mistakes."
+ Forgiveness and Time are great healers...
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